Tuesday, 10th December 2024
Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society

The International Society of Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy

Lina Bolotine

Council Member of HNODIS (Jul 14 - Jul 16)

Council Member of HNODS (Sep 08-Sep 13)

Research Centre for Automatic Control (CRAN), Nancy-University, UMR CNRS, France
Centre Alexis Vautrin
Responsible of the Unit “Research” of the Centre Alexis Vautrin

Current Research Interests

Lina Bolotine earned her PhD degree in Biophysics in the Russian State Medical University in Moscow, Russia in 1988. In 1993 she was appointed as an Invited professor at the University Henri Poincare in Nancy, France for the period of three years. Later on she passed the competition and was appointed as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Henri Poincare in Nancy while conducting her research activities in the field of the Photodynamuic Therapy (PDT) of cancer in the Comprehensive Anti-cancer Centre Alexis Vautrin. She obtained the Accreditation for Supervising Research in 2003 at the University of Henri Poincare. Since 2005 research activities of Dr Lina Bolotine have been integrated to the Research Center for Automatic Control (CRAN), CNRS, Nancy-University. Since that time she leads the research group of CRAN-CAV with an interest in the therapeutic applications of fluorescent compounds.
Dr Bolotine’s research interests are focused on the optimisation of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods and techniques in cancer treatment using non-ionizing radiations. The main issues are related to the optimisation of PDT by means of vectorisation of chlorine-type sensitizers (liposomal nanocapsules), non-invasive monitoring of the parameters critical for PDT treatment, molecular mechanisms involved in photoinduced diagnosis and PDT.
Dr Bolotine is in receipt of research grants from the Regional Ligue Against cancer, National Institute of Cancer, Ministry of the Foreign Affaires of France.